The OFLA listserv is a Google Group. The listserv is designed to communicate with OFLA members concerning both OFLA events and foreign language teaching in general. The listserv provides you with immediate contact with other OFLA members. Join the OFLA listserv today!

ListServ Instructions

To join the OFLA Google Group, please go to:!forum/ofla/join

Before you click the “Join this group” button, select your email preferences –> no email and only the group page, 1 daily digest email, 1 email with 25 messages at a time, or an email every time there is a posting to the group. (See screenshot below.)


At any time you may view the OFLA Google Group page by going to:!forum/ofla.

You may also find our group page at after you log in.

To Send a Message to the Listserv

Please send your message from the account that is registered.  Use the email address of

NOTE: Becoming a member of OFLA does not automatically add you to the OFLA listserv. You must subscribe to it by following the instructions above.

When responding to a specific post, include enough text from the original message to make it clear exactly what posting you are commenting on. If there have been dozens of individual posts on a particular topic, your posting: “Me too!” is probably not going to be a informative as you intended! Please include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply. If you receive your listserv postings in Digest form, people do not need another copy of all 32 previous comments on the subject in the body or your reply. Feel free to use the cut and paste tool!

OFLA Tech Tuesdays

Tech Tuesday articles are published every Tuesday via our Google Group Listserv. Archived articles are available at

Listserv Etiquette

Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your full name, affiliation, location, and e-mail address. (It might be obvious to you who “SeñoraProfesora” is and where she comes from … the OFLA community might not immediately recognize it.)

Be sure the Subject line states clearly and concisely the actual topic you are addressing. This allows members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject. This is particularly important when replying to a listserv posting or when changing the subject.

Be considerate of the reader by using a font, font size, and color that are easy to read. We recommend Verdana 10, Arial 12, or Georgia 12.

Only send a message to the entire list when it contains information that benefits everyone. If you want to carry on a private conversation, thank someone for a particularly useful piece of information, or express nothing more than your agreement with their posting, send a separate and private email to that individual, not to the listserv. This is the most frequently complained about violation of listserv etiquette, so just to clear: Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “me too” to individuals, not to the entire list. Do this by using reply instead of reply all or by using your e-mail application’s forwarding option and typing in or cutting and pasting in the e-mail address of the individual to whom you want to respond.

It is considered rude to forward messages or even segments of messages from the listserv to persons not on the listserv without explicit permission of the person you are quoting.

Warn other list subscribers of lengthy messages either in the subject line or at the beginning of the message body with a line that says “Long Message”. This is a listserv, not an online forum. Once you hit send, your message is delivered into the individual email of inboxes of every subscriber on the list.

Do not send administrative messages, such as “remove me from the list”, through the listserv.
When using an Auto Reply message for times you are out of the office, please be sure to “Create a Rule” that would prohibit sending the message to the list.